• About Us
    Updated On: Jan 25, 2018

    The Detroit Fire Fighters Association, Local 344 (DFFA) was chartered with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) on May 8, 1933.  Since that time, and continuing today, our main mission is to gain fair, equitable, and just treatment of our members in all aspects of their employment; secure just compensation, assure equitable settlement of all grievances, and promote safety as our #1 issue.

    The DFFA has a long and storied reputation that has taken itself through the courts, Act 312 arbitration, and individual arbitrations, to right injustices to our members and gain the same rights as others in our trade craft.  We have faced repeated challenges on many of our most important issues and prevailed.

    We are a family and act as such.  We have many clubs, such as: the Clown Team, the Phoenix, the Gaelic Fire Brigade, the Band, Honor Guard, and others that serve the membership and the community we serve and protect.  Our department is an athletic one and carries competitive teams in every sport.  These groups raise many dollars that go directly to charities.

    The DFFA Burn Fund, Inc., works all year to help provide transportation for burn-injured children to camp, and help the supporting hospitals possess the latest in equipment to cure in a less painful atmosphere.

    As said earlier, the Detroit Fire Fighters Association’s #1 goal is Safety; for ourselves and the community we serve.  We envision a better Fire Department and City of Detroit through our never ending and aggressive approach.

    Each and every member of the Detroit Fire Fighters Association lives and breathes the ideal of being the best they can be, and continue to educate themselves to the newest technologies and education in order to be, and remain, one of the best and most aggressive fire departments in the world.

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